Kids Subscriptions – a Product Review

We Love getting ours!

These days the way our children get information is changing. The internet has made it easy and delivery brings just about anything to your door. At our house we have had two subscriptions I highly recommend.

The first is an oldie but a goodie, Highlights by Scholastics. This classic magazine is fun for kids to get in the mail. It has some fun activities and articles but mostly it is bright and engaging for the little ones. I recommend this for kids ages 2 to 5. 

This was a great learning opportunity!

The next subscription is Little Passports. This has been so much fun to get every month. We’ve done it for two years now and still enjoy getting it. The packages come with a small toy, postcard, and a brochure for the country of that month. It is pretty basic but a lot of fun and my 8 year old has learned a lot about the world and different cultures. 

So I give Scholastics four out of five, it is fun for the little kids, colorful and engaging; but after a few years it’s not as exciting. 

Little Passports also gets the four out of five. It is a little on the pricey side for what you get but it is an amazing addition to our world studies.

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